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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More than Chicken Wings

Get ready! At the end of February there's a new book coming out that will be of interest to Buffalonians but should be of interest to everyonians because what's more fun than B-lo and abortions?

The books is called Absolute Convictions. It's a memoirish book about life growing up in Buffalo as the son of an abortion doctor. I met the editor at a writers' conference Creative Nonfiction organized. While the author was writing, the Dr. Slepian murder took place. So the finished product is a past and present look at life as an abortion doctor in Buffalo. OK, I don't know how much Buffalo-ness there is. It's probably no City of Light, but I'm still happy to see Buffalo as part of an upcoming book.

Fun fact: Well, for me. I told the editor I was from Buffalo and after the conference she e-mailedand asked if I wanted a review copy. Very cool.

Fun fact 2: The first creative nonfiction essay I wrote at Pitt was about Dr. Slepian and my thoughts on the incident.

New topic:

I'm rejecting and embracing NYC. I've cut Columbia and New School from my grad school list. A last minute decision, but it needed to be done. If I'm going to be in NYC, I can't afford to be there getting an MFA. I'd want to work in publishing. It's nice to cross two schools off the list even if I didn't do anything for them. I'm handing in my Minnesota app tomorrow. I'm actually mailing it before the deadline-- whoaaa.

However, as a peace offering to the Big Apple, I'm visiting it this weekend. I'm driving there with a friend of a friend. A very cute, male friend of a friend. That friend is having a party, plus J.J. will be in town. Should be a great time.


Blogger Beedow said...

sure, go to the big city this weekend. sure, don't go next week when i'll be there... no, go this week while i'm in chicago/ann arbor.
oh well.

2:08 PM  

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