Quiet I'm Trying To Write

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Location: Washington, DC

Monday, December 19, 2005


I received an e-mail from Arizona saying my application was incomplete. I guess I forgot to indicate to which school I was applying. I'd say things are off to a grand start.

Weekend in NYC was a blast. I didn't do anything city-wise, really, such as visit touristy spots or anything. But this was never my intention. I wanted to visit my friends, which is exactly what I did. It was endless fun. Kelly's apartment is lovely and chic and I want to move in. Maybe I can sleep in the bathtub? My brother did that once when he had a party and got really drunk. Perhaps this ability to sleep in tubs runs in the family.

I also got to see Lauren and Danny and Melissa and some others, and it felt so good to be with these loves of my life.

But NYC itself I'm not crazy about. It's fun to visit, but I can't see myself living there for an extended period of time. Even two years for school would be a bit much. Unless all of my friends were there, I suppose. Well, whatever. I don't think this is an issue.

What is an issue is that I have a crush on the person that I drove to and from NYC with. I need to learn how to show I'm interested without being a stalker. Such a fine line.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More than Chicken Wings

Get ready! At the end of February there's a new book coming out that will be of interest to Buffalonians but should be of interest to everyonians because what's more fun than B-lo and abortions?

The books is called Absolute Convictions. It's a memoirish book about life growing up in Buffalo as the son of an abortion doctor. I met the editor at a writers' conference Creative Nonfiction organized. While the author was writing, the Dr. Slepian murder took place. So the finished product is a past and present look at life as an abortion doctor in Buffalo. OK, I don't know how much Buffalo-ness there is. It's probably no City of Light, but I'm still happy to see Buffalo as part of an upcoming book.

Fun fact: Well, for me. I told the editor I was from Buffalo and after the conference she e-mailedand asked if I wanted a review copy. Very cool.

Fun fact 2: The first creative nonfiction essay I wrote at Pitt was about Dr. Slepian and my thoughts on the incident.

New topic:

I'm rejecting and embracing NYC. I've cut Columbia and New School from my grad school list. A last minute decision, but it needed to be done. If I'm going to be in NYC, I can't afford to be there getting an MFA. I'd want to work in publishing. It's nice to cross two schools off the list even if I didn't do anything for them. I'm handing in my Minnesota app tomorrow. I'm actually mailing it before the deadline-- whoaaa.

However, as a peace offering to the Big Apple, I'm visiting it this weekend. I'm driving there with a friend of a friend. A very cute, male friend of a friend. That friend is having a party, plus J.J. will be in town. Should be a great time.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Covered in Sheet

I thought this grad school application thing was annoying, but then I attempted to fold a fitted sheet. Can it even be done? I wrestled it and stretched it 79 different ways, but it still ended up a mass of lumpy sheet. Maybe if I punch and kick it. Vilolence is an effective form of linen control, correct?

Unrelated, but Pennsylvania needs to enact a no smoking law in bars NOW. I went to dinner yesterday at a resturant/bar and guest and I settled for smoking because we were mad hungry. I didn't notice the stench while I dined, thank goodness, but when I came home there was no escaping it-- I reeked. Like a cigarette ate too many cigarettes and vomited on me, with an extra barf load on my hair. Ick.

Get with the times, PA. You backward, hellhole of a state*.

*I also love PA because it has the most dairy farms (meaning cows!) in the U.S. Milk is the state drink. Moo!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

One down, nine to go

My first MFA application is a lot warmer than I am. It's sitting somewhere (geez, I hope, anyway, for the $21 I paid to Fedex it) at the University of Arizona's Creative Writing Department. The version of my writing sample I sent them is so-so, but my personal statement was God-awful. I have no idea what to expect.

Today was a happy day at Creative Nonfiction. One of our journal issues was recently published as a book. Before the printing we added an additional essay from a pediatrician turned doctor. We had class together when I was an undergrad, and now she's getting her MFA and we have workshop together. She came by the office to pick up her copy and she was simply thrilled to see her name in the table of contents and essay printed in the book. She's a fun person-- she writes notes to me in class like "Go to New York" whenever I mention my MFA plans. She also tells me not to get an MFA, as she did again today in the office.

"I just don't think it's a good idea for you," she says. "You already have talent and such a strong voice, you're not going to learn that getting an MFA. Work for a publishing company. Go to New York. Keep editing."

All very kind words, however, this was after she saw her essay in print and probably would have told me she'd marry me or hand over her kids to me had I asked. Then she drove me to Work II in a snazzy Mercedes and we talked more about to MFA or not MFA. She accepted my decision when I told her I want to practice my writing and study the writing of others so I can be a better editor in the publishing world. But she also suggested that I get my Masters in Psychology if I get into that program. With that I agree.

Oh, here's the book in which she is a contributing writer: Rage And Reconciliation: Inspiring a Health Care Revolution.

In other book news, I read Kathryn Harrison's The Kiss yesterday. It's a memoir about the author and the sexual relationship between her and her father. Despite the subject (or perhaps because of the subject) it's an excellent read. Great writing. Every word matters. I finished it quickly, at first I thought it was because it was such a page-turner, but then I realized I skimmed most of it for the sex scenes. (There really aren't any, certainly not any explicit ones.) Ah, I am so age 14.

Personal updates: The Bills make my heart sad, the Steelers annoy me, and it's so, so cold. Last weekend I met up with a friend of a friend who lived in NYC but recently moved back to the 'burgh. He was very friendly and good-looking. Rare in these parts.

Amanda, I hope this gave you something to read. Sorry for not updating.

I'm off to explain to the University of Minnesota how I will contribute to their diversity. Rrrriiiiiiight.